
Did you know dogs love fish? It's not just a treat; fish has health benefits too, like reducing inflammation and supporting joint and muscle health. Canumi offers high-quality fish tins sourced from North Spain, using fresh local fish. Unlike canned fish for humans, Canumi's products are free from salt and preservatives.

Human Grade Seafood Tins For Dogs - Sparkly Tails
Human Grade Seafood Tins For Dogs - Sparkly Tails
Human Grade Fish Tins For Dogs
From £4.25
£0.13 donation

From the founders of Canumi:

From this corner of the Rías Baixas, we want to introduce you to Canumi. This unique product complements the diet of our furry companions without added by-products, advocating for a healthy and natural diet. Our offering is based on real and whole New Zealand green-lipped fish and mussels.

Why do we partner with them?

We are searching for the best dog treats on the planet. Since we opened a Canumi fish tin, we have fallen in love with their products. With a deep passion for improving our pets' lives, we are proud to partner with them.

Our favourite products from Canumi:

We love Canumi's products because they enhance our dog's diet with Omega-3 and Omega-6, promoting a happy and healthy life. The Green Lipped Mussels are our top pick, which helps strengthen bones and joints. The healthy fatty acids in mackerel also improve skin and coat condition and reduce inflammation.