Adios Plastic

Adios Plastic is revolutionising compostable plastic products by producing strong, non-genetically modified cornstarch. Say goodbye to microplastics in the oceans and start using Adios Poo Bags.

Dog Poop Bags, Strong and Biodegradable by Adios Plastic - Sparkly Tails
Dog Poop Bags, Strong and Biodegradable by Adios Plastic - Sparkly Tails
Adios Plastic
Strong Compostable Dog Poo Bags, Unscented
From £5.70
£0.17 donation
Dog Wipes, Biodegradable by Adios Plastic - Sparkly Tails
Dog Wipes, Biodegradable by Adios Plastic Details
Adios Plastic
Composable Pet Wipes, 25 unit, Aloe Vera & Chamomile
£0.07 donation

In Adios Plastic Funders words: 

The idea for Adios Plastic originally came about in 2017 after I became aware of the devastating effects that plastic was having on the environment. I wanted to do something to help, but wasn’t sure what. We made changes in our lives right away to reduce our single use plastic consumption. But I wanted to do more, a lot more and since I love animals, I thought that producing something plastic free for pets would be great! After months of research, I learnt that almost all dog poo bags on the market are not as eco friendly as they claim! Companies were, and still are greenwashing customers using clever marketing techniques. I took the leap and placed my first order for compostable dog poo bags in December of 2018. It was very exciting, but also very scary. Adios Plastic is here to offer consumers plastic free alternatives to everyday products. Our love of animals means that compostable poo bags is our first product. We offer great options to suit all needs with great retail margins. We're a small family company based down in Kent, UK.