Top Tips to Help Your Dog Beat the Summer Heat - Sparkly Tails

Top Tips to Help Your Dog Beat the Summer Heat

Jul 02, 2024

The UK is set for some scorching weather in the coming days, so it's important to ensure our poochs are comfortable and safe.

Every year, as the weather heats up, we need to give our dogs a bit of extra care. Dogs can't cool down as easily as we can, so it's really important to keep an eye on them and ensure they stay safe and comfortable.

Keeping an Eye Out for Heatstroke

Panting is how dogs cool off, since they can't sweat like we do. If they get too hot, they can get heatstroke, which is very dangerous. Heatstroke can happen quickly, so it's necessary to watch out for the signs. If your dog is panting a lot more than usual, drooling excessively, has red gums, or has a temperature higher than 103°F, it's a severe heatstroke sign and you should seek veterinary attention immediately. They may also display signs of discomfort or confusion. If you notice any of these signs, act fast!

Sun Safety and Paw Protection

Dogs can get sunburned, especially those with short fur or pale skin. To keep them safe, put this 100% natural paw balm pre-walk barrier about few minutes before they go outside in the sun. It's completely lick-able and rich with natural oils and vitamin E.

Hot pavement can be really tough on a dog's paws, so it's best to walk them in the morning or evening when it's cooler. If you're unsure if it's too hot, check the pavement with your hand – if it's too hot for you to touch for a few seconds, it's definitely too hot for your dog's paws.

And to keep your dog's paws clean after their adventures, use this handy Paw Cleaner Sachet Refill. It's packed with natural stuff like vegetable sugars and aloe vera, which are great for soothing and looking after your dog's paws. It lasts longer than those little single-use bottles and helps to cut down on plastic waste.

Hydration is Key

Dog drinking water

Dehydration can be a problem for dogs, especially in summer. If your dog is dehydrated, you might notice some signs, like dry and sticky gums, panting more than usual, even when they're not hot, and thicker saliva. They could be dehydrated if you gently pinch their skin and it doesn't spring back quickly. 

It's really important to make sure your dog always has access to fresh water, especially during hot weather. Use portable bowls if you can, and try adding ice cubes to their water to keep it nice and cool – that can encourage them to drink more often. Make sure to check their water bowls regularly, as dogs tend to drink more when it's warm.

Remember to keep a close eye on them and look out for these signs of dehydration.

Never Leave Your Dog in a Car

It's tempting to take your dog for a ride in the car, but it's never safe to leave them unattended, even with the windows cracked. The temperature inside a car can rise very quickly, even on a mild day, and this can be extremely dangerous for your dog.

If you can't take your dog inside with you, it's best to leave them at home.

Keep That Fur Coat On

Siberian Huskies Fur

Dogs with thick fur, like Golden Retrievers, Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes, don't need to be shaved in the summer. Their thick fur actually helps keep them cool by trapping air near their skin and protecting them from the sun.

Instead of shaving, it's best to limit their time outdoors during the hottest parts of the day to help them stay comfortable.

Tick Check!

Summer is tick season, so it's important to check your dog for these pesky critters after they've been outside, especially in grassy or wooded areas. Pay close attention to their armpits, ears, and belly, as these are common places for ticks to hide.

If you find a tick, use tweezers to remove it carefully and keep an eye on your dog for any signs of illness. 

We invite you to try our best selection of organic flea and tick spray, and the natural tick powder for dogs.

Snakes Can Be Dangerous

Summer's here, and that means snakes are more likely to be out and about. While snakes are usually shy, it's important to keep your dog safe.

Teach your dog to steer clear of snakes, and always keep them on a lead when you're out walking in the countryside or near woods. If, by any chance, your dog does get bitten by a snake, get them to the vet as soon as possible!

Safe Summer Exercise for Your Dog

Summer is a great time to get active with your dog, but remember to be mindful of the weather. Check the forecast and choose a time when it's cooler, like early morning or evening. Make sure your dog has plenty of fresh water, especially when you're out and about. 

A leash helps keep your dog safe and under control, especially if you're near other people or wildlife. 

Keep an eye out for signs that your dog might be overheating, such as heavy panting, drooling, sluggishness, or a fast heartbeat. If you see any of these signs, move your dog to a cool spot and offer them some water. 

Don't forget to let your dog rest! Regular breaks help keep them safe and comfortable during exercise.

Providing Shade and Cooling for Dogs

Making sure your dog has a cool and shady place to escape the sun is essential. Whether it's under a tree, an awning, or a special dog canopy, shade is key to keeping them comfortable. You can also use a fan or air conditioner to keep them cool indoors.

Always check your dog's paws for signs of burns or discomfort from hot surfaces. You can even use Frill healing paw balm as an eco-friendly solution for your dog's sensitive dry paw. It provides nourishing relief for dry paws, noses, and patches too. It's also lick—and puppy-safe.

Swimming Safety Tips for Dogs

Dog swimming in a river

Even if your dog seems like a natural swimmer, never leave them unsupervised in or near water. Especially if your dog is a new swimmer or you're taking them boating or swimming in deep water, a life jacket is essential. Make sure it fits them well and has a handle so you can help them if needed. 

If your dog is swimming in a pool, teach them how to get out safely. Make sure there's a way for them to easily climb out, like steps or a ramp. 

Also, keep an eye on the tides and waves when you're at the beach, as they can be dangerous for dogs.

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